street food feast for 2

Enough for 5…? or 6..?! My classmate and I were wandering for some street food and went a little overboard… hahaha, it was delicious! (And for RMB65: barbequed wings, peppers, lamb, and 2 vermicelli dishes, vegetable salad with mushrooms, and tripe). Our leftovers were given to a homeless man… 我和我的同学两个吃的晚饭在街上能给五, 六个吃!真的好玩儿也很好吃!

Shanghai Tang

If you don’t know about Shanghai Tang, (in addition to the Chinese translation of Shanghai’s Bund), it’s a high-end fashion brand that uses traditional Chinese design to influence it’s lifestyle and fashion products. Shanghai Tang is the first luxury brand emerging from China. Its design mission is to revitalise Chinese innovation and to interweave it with […]

guest post: Sally Wu “Bathing at Beida”

My friend Sally, a Master’s in psychology exchange student from Taiwan, is studying at Peking University (Beida) this semester. I’ve been happy to help her with some translations and she’s kind enough to contribute one of her stories here: “北大洗澡記” 每天晚上校園都有不少人手提著塑膠袋或是小提籃,裡面放著盥洗用具,在寒冷的夜晚裡,走向公共浴室洗澡。我則是和室友走向更遠的浴室,因為那裏洗澡的地方有門可以關上。我來到北大最讓我驚訝著的兩件事,第一件事宿舍裡沒有洗澡的地方,第二件事是洗澡的地方沒有門可以關上。我聽我室友說在公共浴室洗澡,大家彼此可以看到對方的裸體。不過後來拿到港澳台學生用的洗澡證,我的心情好許多。因為港澳台辦公室知道台灣、香港和澳門的同學不習慣這樣的洗澡方式。有了這張卡,我們可以被允許進入留學生公寓的浴室,保全人員會先檢察我們的證件才讓我們進去洗澡。 我的大陸朋友說,這樣的洗澡方式都常在北方比較常見,所以南方人到北方求學,常常會很不習慣。不過她說,她們得習慣環境,因為這樣的生活習慣在北方已經很久了,即使跟行政單位反應也是沒有用的。我聽完不能理解為什麼反應是沒有用的,於是我只好點點頭。 “Taking a shower at Beida” Every evening there are many students walking through campus, bringing their plastic […]